February 19, 2004
BOD Minutes
PRESENT: Asst RE: Ed Zebrowski, Secretary: Cheryl Boynton, Treasurer: Lin Hurd, Directors: Joe Atkinson, Ed Hurd and Skip Testut
ABSENT: RE: Bob Burns, Activities Director: Sandy Sanders, Director: Bill Schultz, Past RE: Barb Luther
GUESTS: Harry Boynton, Marie Heacox, Tim Meddaugh and Betty Page The meeting was called to order at 7:05 PM, by Assistant RE Ed Zebrowski.
MOTION: by Skip Testut, second by Lin Hurd, to approve the minutes of the January 8, 2004 meeting, with the correction, the omission of approving the appointment of Marty Laux: Starter. Carried. Activities Report: December banquet will be held at the Holiday Inn, Painted Post on December 4, 2004, rooms will also be available. Sandy would like to get a few members to form an activities advisory committee. A rally, in cooperation with Finger Lakes, is in the works. Bill Bradshaw might be willing to put together a rally. Either the May of June meeting could be a member event with the chiefs of specialties in attendance. Recommend Larry Rowland as assistant chief of F&C. By-Laws have been amended and should be sent to the membership for their approval. Comp Board Report by Marie Heacox: The Comp Board will meet 2/29 at 2PM Races scheduled are as follows: Glen Nationals July 10 & 11 July Sprints: July 24 & 25 AIS August 14 & 15 Last Chance October 15 - 17 The Comp Board is in place, with the following members: Marie Heacox: Chairperson, Jim Brown, Tom Brown, Terri Dobbs, Roger Holman and Phil Kelley. There is a new drag strip in Tioga. It is called Skyview Drag Strip. It may have possibilities Treasurer’s Report by Lin Hurd We are still solvent.
MOTION: by Joe Atkinson, second by Ed Zebrowski, to pay a past due bill from Watkins Glen International from the October 2003 Last Chance, in the amount of $5,336.73. Carried. A notice from the IRS has been received and forwarded to Lou Devillers. The radio license renewal is due in 2006.
MOTION: by Skip Testut, second by Cheryl Boynton, to accept the Treasurer’s report. Carried. Membership report was given by Betty Page. Skip Testut reported that there will be a solo meeting next week. Club property has been made difficult, due to the snow. When the weather clears, more searches can be done. Old Business Pro Vee contracts have been signed for July 10 and 11, 2004. WGI contracts have been signed and returned.
Ferrari Club has contacted FingerLakes about having a High Performance Driving School. Ed has not heard from Beaver Run.
MOTION: by Joe Atkinson, second by Skip Testut, that if Beaver Run does not have a sanction number and supps, by February 26, we will cancel our assistance. Carried. Ed will get in touch with Barb and Swan and Sons to see if we have blanket coverage on all items the Glen Region owns. NEDIV Round Table will be held in Warren, Ohio March 12 - 14.
MOTION: by Skip Testut, second by Lin Hurd, to pay expenses for the RE or his designee, and registration for all other members at the Round Table. Carried
MOTION: by Skip Testut, second by Lin Hurd, to approve the Comp Board members as follows: Marie Heacox, Chairman, Jim Brown, Tom Brown, Terri Dobbs, Roger Holman and Phil Kelley. Carried. I cards, we will watch and see what happens with the other regions.
MOTION: by Joe Atkinson, second by Ed Zebrowski. to approve the following
appointments: Paddock Marshal: Bob Carson; NYSRRC rep: and Vehicle
Administrator: Jim Brown
A letter was received from Cameron Argetsinger, on behalf of the Research Center thanking the Glen Region for the $300. donation.
The calendar order will be the same as last year. They should be ready soon. Adjourn 8:50 pm. In the Spirit of the Sport Cheryl Boynton, Secretary