April 15, 2004
BOD meeting
PRESENT: Regional Executive: Bob Burns, Assistant RE: Ed Zebrowski,
Treasurer: Lin Hurd, Activities Director: Sandy Sanders, Directors: Joe Atkinson, Ed Hurd and Bill Schultz
ABSENT: Secretary: Cheryl Boynton, Director: Skip Testut and Immediate Past RE: Barb Luther
GUESTS: Stu Luther and Tim Meddaugh (acting scribe)
TREASURER’S REPORT: Balance sheet as of April 14, 2004 shows the numbers reflecting the deposit not made in 2003, that caused some bounced checks in April, 2004. The board voted to approve the Treasurer’s Report, unanimously. The Board then went into executive session for 45 minutes. ACTIVITIES REPORT: The next membership meeting will be May 15 at Seneca Lodge.
MOTION: By Joe Atkinson, second by Ed Hurd to give the Activities Director $700. For expenses for the year. Carried. Rally August 28 Comp Board: Discussion on minor waiver change of policy regarding the SCCA Run-Offs. In the past members who made it to the run-offs got a refund of all Glen Region race entry fees for the year. The new policy: The Glen Region will reimburse the entry fee for the run-offs for any Glen Region member who qualifies and enters. New Business: Correction on web provider notice. Tech gear is at Bruce Perry’s. For the Steel Cities co-oped Driver’s School that we (Glen Region) agreed to contribute $1,000. Note: the travel and printing costs of the Chief Instructor will come out of this. The Beaver Run School was a success from a training point(26 students). CORRECTIONS to the 3/18/04 meeting : The 5/15 meeting with the Specialty Chiefs will be at the general membership meeting, not the BOD. The 2006 Round Table will be hosted by Blue Mountain Region. Move to adjourn by Joe Atkinson at 9:00PM. Typed by Cheryl Boynton Secretary