May 15, 2004
Glen Region SCCA BOD
PRESENT: Secretary: Cheryl Boynton, Treasurer: Lin Hurd, Activities
Director: Sandy Sanders, Directors: Ed Hurd and Skip Testut, Immediate Past RE: Barb Luther (Acting RE)
ABSENT: RE: Bob Burns, Asst RE: Ed Zebrowski, Directors: Joe Atkinson and Bill Schultz
GUESTS: Larry Emery, Stu Luther, Gay Lynn Testut and Steve Wilkinson The BOD meeting was called to order at 4:09 pm by Acting RE: Barb Luther.
MOTION: by Skip Testut, second by Lin Hurd to approve the minutes of the April 15, 2004 with the following correction: change the word "bounced" to "returned", in the sentence about the checks. Carried. Treasurer’s Report: Lin had to move $12,000. From the AG Edwards Account to checking, to cover expenses. Deposits from 2003 Solo Schools have been made. All tax returns have been sent and the IRS has waived the late fee. We have not yet received a bill from Steel Cities for the Beaver Run event.
MOTION: by Barb Luther, second by Sandy Sanders, that within 30 days of a speed event, all monies and fees and an accounting of the event need to be paid to the Treasurer. The Comp Board Chairman is responsible for racing, the Solo Chairman for Solo events, and the Activities Director for Rally events. Carried. Barbara Luther reported on the Glen Region accepting credit cards for race entry fees. In March at the NEDiv Council meeting the Region agreed to be the "test" region for credit card payments with on line registration. The cost of this experiment will be borne by the NEDiv Council. An application has been filed with the Chemung Canal Bank to obtain a Merchant Account that is needed in order to process credit card payments. We also will offer this service to drivers who register by mail or at the track. The cost per credit card transaction is about 2.5%, depending on the volume. A full report will be given as soon as the paper work is completed with the bank and with the web master who handles the on line registration. August 28 Rally will be held with Finger Lakes. Rose Valley Hill Climb will be held July 30 & 31. Jim Newpher will be honored at the Saturday Night Dinner.
MOTION: to adjourn at 4:50 pm
Respectfully Submitted
Cheryl Boynton, Secretary