June 15, 2004
BOD Minutes
PRESENT: RE: Bob Burns; Asst RE: Ed Zebrowski; Secretary: Cheryl Boynton,
Treasurer: Lin Hurd; Activities Director: Sandy Sanders; Board Members: Joe Atkinson, Ed Hurd, Skip Testut
ABSENT: Bill Schulz
GUESTS: Bill Bradshaw and Marie Heacox
MOTION: by Skip Testut, second by Sandy Sanders, to approve the minutes of the May 20, 2004 BOD meeting. Carried Bill Bradshaw talked about the by-laws and the changes. All changes are to address problems. The voting on the changes will me done at the Annual Meeting. There will be a notice in the Sparkplug. We were thanked for providing the trophies for the charity rally.
MOTION: by Skip Testut, second by Ed Hurd to approve the Treasurers report, as presented by Lin Hurd. Carried There was no Membership report, because the last report from National was in May. Activities Report There will not be a June meeting. August 21 meeting will tentatively be held at Seneca Lodge. Awards Banquet will be held December 4, at the Painted Post Holiday Inn. The Annual Meeting will be held November 20. The August 28 rally will begin @ 11:30 at Burger King in Geneva and end at Wagner Vineyards. The cost is $15. for members and $18. for non members. Vintage Weekend is September 11 & 12, workers are needed for Friday the 10th of Sept, from 4 - 7 PM to work downtown in Watkins Glen.
The date has been changed for the Dam Mountain Revisited Rally. The original date was September 5th. The new date is October 9th.
Bob Burns has been putting together a rally for the end of October. Old Business MOTION by Skip Testut, second by Barb Luther, to approve the extra expense for the Medical ID tags. The cost is $.88 each for the helmet stickers, and $2.14 each for the dog tag style. We would purchase 750 for the drivers helmets, and 250 for the workers. Carried
Marie Heacox sent a very nice letter to Adirondack Speedway to cancel the event that The Glen Region was planning. The Glen Region would like to use the facility in the future, when the road course is put in.
A bill was received from Beaver Run in the amount of $1,311.20. MOTION by Joe Atkinson, second by Skip Testut, to pay in full the bill sent by Beaver Run, less the expenses of the Chief Instructor and not act as a sponsoring region next year. VETO MOTION by Joe Atkinson, second by Sandy Sanders, to pay the $ 1311.20 less the Chief Instructors expenses. VETO
MOTION by Ed Hurd, second by Skip Testut, to stand by the original agreement and pay up to $1,000. Bob will write them a letter of explanation. Carried.
F & C can use the old T & S computers. The Sound Control equipment has been sent in for calibration and has been returned. It was brought up that maybe a membership meeting could be held every other month. The idea was vetoed.
The P. O. box is not being emptied often enough. Joe and Ed will pick up the mail more often. Barb Luther said that because of the audit of the 2001 taxes, we may be taxed on the investments. Ed Zebrowski would like to order some business cards. MOTION by Sandy Sanders, second by Cheryl Boynton, to accept, with extreme regret, the resignation of RE Bob Burns, due to health reasons. Carried. MOTION by Skip Testut, second by Ed Hurd, the name Bob Burns as the Assistant RE. Carried. Ed will contact Mike Dickerson regarding the change in positions.
In The Spirit of the Sport Cheryl Boynton Secretary