August 17, 2004

BOD Minutes

PRESENT: RE: Ed Zebrowski; Secretary: Cheryl Boynton; Treasurer: Lin Hurd;
Directors: Joe Atkinson, Ed Hurd and Skip Testut

ABSENT: Bob Burns, Barb Luther, Sandy Sanders and Bill Schultz

GUEST: Stu Luther

The meeting was called to order at 7:06pm by RE Ed Zebrowski.

MOTION: by Skip Testut, second by Lin Hurd, to approve the minutes of the July, 2004 BOD meeting. Carried. The only correspondence was forwarded to Marie Heacox for her to take care of.

TREASURER’S REPORT: The deposits have been made for both races.

MOTION: by Joe Atkinson, second by Skip Testut, to pay the bill that has been sent to the Glen Region by WGI. Carried

SOLO II REPORT: ( e-mailed to Ed from Becky Tinker) She reports that so far they have held five events. Each has been well attended. The next event will be held on September 4, at Corning Community College. The August General Membership meeting will be held at Seneca Lodge. Both of the candidates for Area 19 Director have been asked to speak. The Nominating Committee will be named soon. Joe Atkinson gave a report on the laptop computer that is being purchased for use by the secretary and the race registrars.

MOTION: by Joe Atkinson, second by Skip Testut, not to exceed $2500 for the laptop and a multi purpose printer. Carried. No new info on either the old T & S computer or the IRS audit.

MOTION: by Skip Testut, second by Cheryl Boynton, to accept Marie Heacox recommendation, and appoint Jerry Brown to take care of Drivers Licensing. Carried.

MOTION: by Joe Atkinson, second by Lin Hurd, to refund the National Race entry fee for members of the region, that compete in the Run-Offs. The sanction number has been sent for the Last Chance, per info received from Marie Heacox. A short discussion followed on purchasing books for the library, in the name of deceased members.

Motion to adjourn at 8:15pm.

In the Spirit of the Sport

Cheryl Boynton Secretary