September 17, 2004
Glen Region SCCA BOD
PRESENT: RE: Ed Zebrowski: Secretary: Cheryl Boynton; Treasurer: Lin Hurd: Activities Director: Sandy Sanders; Directors: Joe Atkinson, Ed Hurd and Skip Testut
ABSENT: Asst. RE: Bob Burns; Director: Bill Schultz and Past RE: Barb Luther
GUESTS: Marie Heacox and Dean Croucher
The meeting was called to order at 7:07 PM, by RE Ed Zebrowski.
MOTION by Sandy Sanders, second by Skip Testut, to approve the minutes of the August 2004 BOD meeting as printed. Carried MOTION by Cheryl Boynton, second by Joe Atkinson, to donate $100 to the Watkins Glen Library in the name of Bob Perry and Barry Page. Carried.
SCCA has set up a relief fund through the SCCA Foundation to benefit members in Central and Southern Florida, that were affected by the hurricanes. Checks should be made out to SCCA Foundation and noted "Florida Relief". The address is SCCA Foundation, PO Box 19400, Topeka, Kansas 66619. Donations are tax deductible.
Solo has investigated the use of a WGI parking lot, and at this time it is cost prohibitive.
MOTION by Skip Testut, second by Ed Hurd, to approve the Treasurer’s Report. Carried
Betty Page sent the following membership report: There are 395 members of the Glen Region 7 Dual 8 First Gear 6 Honorary 2 Life 39 Junior Associate 73 Spouse 260 Regular
There are 350 voting members
Activities Report was given by Sandy Sanders.
Solo has two events left, 9/26 at the Arnot Mall, and 10/10 at the Warplane Museum.
The Finger Lakes/Glen Rally had 8 participants.
The October BOD meeting will be held on October 21, 2004.
The Annual Meeting will be held on November 20, 2004.
The Mini Indy will be October 1-3, and the Pig Roast will be October 2. Dean Croucher was there to speak about his candidacy for Area 10 Director. In early October the ballots will be mailed out for that election. Mr. Sheridan was asked to speak at the BOD meeting, however he was unable to attend.
Pat Scopelliti has set up an elections area on the Glen Region web site. The report from the Nominating Committee, consisting of Adrian Ketchum (Chair), Kim Davies, Bill Green, Tom Lane and Becky Tinker have submitted the following slate of officers for 2005: Regional Executive Ed Zebrowski Assistant Regional Executive Bob Burns Secretary Cheryl Boynton Treasurer Lin Hurd Activities Director Sandy Sanders Director Ed Hurd Bill Schultz Dale Terry MOTION by Skip Testut, second by Ed Hurd to approve the Nominating Committee report. Carried. Joe Atkinson remarked and the entire Board agreed that the Nominating Committee did a wonderful job with the short time that they had to put the slate of officers together.
Ed Zebrowski will address the problems with the credit card charges at Glen Region events.
The laptop will be delivered about October 1, 2004. The printer, mouse and surge protector are here.
MOTION by Skip Testut, second by Joe Atkinson, to refund Richard Leslie for 2 garages at the National Race. Carried.
MOTION by Joe Atkinson, second by Skip Testut, to recommend to the Competition Board, that during competition events at WGI, garage rentals will only be accepted if they are accompanied by a valid entry form. Carried
MOTION by Ed Hurd, second by Sandy Sanders, to open a credit card account for the Glen Region, with a credit limit of $2,500. Carried
The missing banners - NYSRRC paid for a new NYSRRC banner and the Glen Region will pay for a new Glen Region banner.
The box of records from last year will be given to Ed Zebrowski for his care.
An invoice from NeDiv (a charge of $3 per car for 299 cars at the National).
A Worker Licensing Chief was discussed. Marie Heacox talked about test day insurance. Sandy Sanders suggested a charity race.
Adjourn at 9:10pm.
In the Spirit of the Sport
Cheryl Boynton, Secretary