Brett Bourdette
638 White Rd
Millerton PA 16936

Use the following coordinates for your GPS:

GPS using the address might not bring you here exactly so here are some directions.

From Elmira: Take Rt 328 South. At State line stay right on 328. Go through Millerton. About 2 miles past Millerton take right on Alder Run Rd. Go 2 miles and take left on White Rd. I'm a 1/4 mile up on the left.

From Corning Take 15 South to Lawrencecille Exit. (First exit in PA). Bottom of ramp take left. Take Right at traffic light. Take left at traffic light. Go about 7 miles. Take left on Alder Run Rd. Go 4 miles and take right on White Rd. I'm 1/4 mile up on the left.

The 638 is on my mail box at the end of my driveway.

Brett's driveway
Brett's House