Glen Region SCCA board of directors meeting

December 9, 2001

Watkins Glen Racing Research Library




PRESENT:  Tim Middaugh RE, Skip Testut Asst. RE, Rox Brown Treas., Terri Dobbs Sec., Rob Craig Act. Dir.,   Ed Zebrowski Dir.,  Dale Terry Dir.


ABSENT:  Gina Metcalf Dir., Betty Page Past RE,  Sandy Nolan Dir.


GUEST:  Barb Luther, Bob Brown, Roger Holman, and Dave Davies


MINUTES:  Minutes from the November 1 were reviewed.  MOTION by Skip Testut to approve the November minutes.  SECONDED Dale Terry.  CARRIED.


TREASURERS REPORT:  Rox handed out copies of the Treasurer’s report.  The only bills that are outstanding at this point are year-end awards.  MOTION by Dale Terry to approve the Treasurer’s report.  SECONDED by Skip Testut.  CARRIED.


At this time the floor was given to guest Roger Holman and Dave Davies to discuss our investment account.  At the November 1 BOD meeting there was discussion on the matter of our A.G. Edwards checking account and that we have more than adequate amount in the account and that we could move money from the checking account into our investment account.  Dave discussed our options of bonds and stocks and our long-term risk with each of the above.  MOTION by Skip Testut to redefine the motion from the November 1 BOD meeting to move $63,000.00 from the A.G. Edwards checking account instead of drawing down to $50,000.00 to the long term investment account. This still leaves a amount of $60,000 in the checking account for start up money for the 2002 year.  Which 1/3 will be in North American Bond Fund, the remainder being split 60% 40% in Spectrum account, which is, stocks and bonds.  SECONDED Rob Craig.  CARRIED.


ACTIVTIES:  The Annual Awards banquet we held last night 76 attended.  The Menu was great.  Rob has already begun to look into next year.


MEMBERSHIP:  No report


CORRESPONDENCE:  Schuyler Chamber News.




Roundtable- tabled until next years BOD meeting.




Calendar- Tim presented a start of the calendar for 2002.  SOLO II, meetings still need to be firmed up.


Mini-Con 2002- The November Mini-Con for the NEDIV will be hosted by D.C. Region and held in Columbia, Maryland.


Feasibility & Planning committee has not met at this time.


The 50/50 raffle from last night’s awards banquet raised $170.00.  MOTION by Dale Terry To donate $500.00 instead of the normal doubling of the raffle money raised to the Watkins Glen Racing Research Library this will raise the region to the checkered flag level of sponsorship with the library.  SECONDED Ed Zebrowski.  CARRIED.


The crossed flag pins from the October drivers school/regional race were such a hit that we have had many requests from other regions and outside organizations that they would like to purchase them.  MOTION by Rob Craig to purchase a minimum of 500 pins but not to exceed 1,200.  The BOD will establish the price of the pin at a later time when we know the exact cost per pin.  SECONDED Skip Testut.  CARRIED.




2002 Board of Directors meeting





Calendar for 2002 BOD meetings will still be the first Thursday of the month we will try to get the library for the meetings.  Barb will call about availability.  Annual Meeting November 16, 2002 we will try to secure the Watkins Glen Racing Research Library with a cocktail party.  Awards Banquet December 7, 2002.  Social meetings will be held February, April, June, August, and October.


Convention MOTION by Terri Dobbs to approve up to $3,000.00 for the National Convention being held in Denver in February including the RE’s registration, hotel, and transportation.  Also any Glen Region members in good standing registration fee up to $225.00 so as to not exceed the $3,000.00 total expense.  SECONDED Dale Terry.  CARRIED.


Appointments several people were discussed for regional appointments.  Barb or other BOD members will be contacting them.


NEXT BOD meeting will be held December 27, 2001.




Submitted by Terri Dobbs